Every Mum Can Have a Getaway {how and why to make margin at home}

Two weeks ago I shared about my dreamy 24 hours away at a local B&B and coffee shop– reading, eating good food and generally enjoying a refreshing quiet time.

It was all things lovely and I want to duplicate some of it in my normal, regular routine. I’m a big fan of self-care and building margin into my life to avoid burnout and exhaustion.

In the daily routines of laundry, dishes, meals and stories and bedtime cuddles, quiet time is sometimes a wished for dream come true. For me,  I am at my best when I have had some quiet time. It’s been a process of making the time and making the investment back into my family. It’s not a selfish pursuit, its taking care of myself so that I can best take care of those around me.

Since returning from my little getaway, I’m more determined to make these ideas into habits and we will all reap the benefits.

building margin into our lives

1. Set a bedtime and stick to it.

I’ve gotten way off track in my nightly routines. It shows in my patience running out faster and my energy levels being low. My screens need to stay closed after 9 pm and my routine should involve a cup of chamomile tea and a quiet book. I am fascinated by the way we tend to be habitual creatures and how making good habits can free up mental energy. I prefer the morning quiet but the evening quiet can be tempting since it does’t require any discipline. But the payoff is a rich one and one my future self will thank me for. I’m a much happier and fun person to be around when rested and so it’s a gift to give my family.

2. Take a shower (or bath) by candlelight.

Even if you have to scoop the bath toys and leave them in the sink, light a scented candle (these are my favourite) and let the hot water soothe away the knots of the day. I love a good bubble bath along with a book in the quiet of the evening. Most of the time, I’m in and out of the shower while the girls watch something- after I’ve worked out and before making the next meal. It’s not always relaxing but taking a little time to make it relaxing is always worth it and it feels luxurious.

building margin

3. Make it Pretty

I have sturdy mugs that I carry with me into the girls room or sip while we have colouring sessions at the dining room table. But I also have a small collection of pretty, delicate accessories for my tea time. A teacup from a friend, a yellow plate found in the basement and a special cake fork from a friend. I light a candle, bring out a little something to nosh (chocolate, sliced apples and cheese, or cake, if I’ve been baking) and I sit in the pretty quiet for as long as it lasts.

4. Make time for Little Getaways

During the school year, I got out at least once a week and spent several hours at a coffee shop or one of the university’s study halls. It was  a time to catch up on emails, write blog posts or just read. It was something I looked forward to and was a little island of loveliness on some of the crazy weeks, of which there were a lot. We also made room in our schedule and budget for regular hair maintaintance for me -an hour of salon time and I feel like a new woman. This winter I also had a couple massages which I love and always leaves me feeling refreshed.

building margin

5. Live with Grace

It’s been a long, hard season this winter for a lot of reasons. Sometimes the quiet came because the girls and I were cuddled under a blanket watching Robin Hood or Tinkerbell. Sometimes my tea was shared with little girls who stole gulps while I was reading stories. Sometimes my quiet was a five minutes of deep breaths in the kitchen and praying for grace and patience. Sometimes I didn’t go to the coffee shop for a few weeks because my husband was traveling and super busy with school commitments. But there is always some quiet to notice and to savour and then go back into the busy.


How do you build margin into your daily routine? 


10 thoughts on “Every Mum Can Have a Getaway {how and why to make margin at home}

  1. I don’t really have a good system for building in margin… I assume that’s why I feel frazzled so much of the time. I have taken an afternoon of work from time to time — my “mental health day” — but I need something a little more regular to look forward to! If my kids would go sleep at night, your suggestions for the evenings sound lovely. I really need to work on shutting down the screens and resting/reading a bit more to wind down before bedtime.

    • Oh Sarah, I know this feeling well.
      If the kids would go to sleep….and the frazzled. Making yourself a nest on the couch to just be quiet is a great way to start and it can take as long as it takes to sip a cup of tea.
      Here’s to more margin and peace. XO

  2. I prefer the morning quiet but the evening quiet can be tempting since it does’t require any discipline.

    This was the wisest thing I have read in a very, very long time. Thank you for sharing it!!! Last Fall I went on a 24-hour mini-mama retreat all by myself, and it was amazing. I hope to do it more often. Besides that, I am taking a weekly photography class that nobody can over-write on the calendar.

  3. Love this! I am such an advocate for the mommy-retreat, even if it’s just to the coffee shop for a few hours. I try to be an early riser, but even when I don’t make it, just waking up a half hour or so before my kids helps loads.

    I’ve also started reading for longer periods of time during their naps–it feels like such a luxury, but it’s so refreshing. And who knows how long naps will last? I should probably take it while I can get it :).

  4. Pingback: May Goals | this vintage moment

  5. Pingback: Weekend Reads | A Simple Haven

  6. Just read this post and I *super* like the screens off at 9 idea. I think it would be so healthy for me and would create a window of time for reading good old fashioned books again, which I have greatly missed. Going to start tonight! Thank you for the gentle push in the right direction. 🙂 (Also this will enable me to start checking off some of the books you have recommended!)

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