





a portrait of my girls, once a week, every week in 2014 

We went to one of our favourite beaches this week, the tide was out. Way out. And so we walked on the wet red sand and they ran and ran. 

The blue sky peeked through the clouds and brought reminders of warm days and barefoot beach days. 

I will say it a lot for the next eight months, but I really love where we live. The water, the calm, the outdoor air- so good for the soul.

What’s your favourite things about where you live?

linking up with Jodi for Project 52

6 thoughts on “17/52

  1. I think I would love where you live, too.

    We lived in the mountains Virginia in a perfect small town for 3 years. I adored it. It’s been harder to love where we live here in Maryland, but it’s not too bad. I love the pretty country roads and farms.

  2. I love K’s hands in her pockets. 🙂 So cutely grown up. My favorite parts of where we live: the woods, the sky every late afternoon, when our trees fill up with parrots, galahs, and cockatoos. 🙂

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